About Memorial Elementary School

  • Memorial School is an elementary school serving grades K-4, as well as a Pre-School Disabilities Program, in the North Haledon School District.  Memorial School is located at 201 Squaw Brook Road. Total enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year is approximately 315 students with approximately 50 staff members that serve our students.

    Memorial School was built in 2008. The school contains spacious classrooms, a cafeteria and kitchen, gymnasium, nurse’s office, office area, pre-school disabilities classroom, and several smaller teaching areas for small group instruction.

    The mission of Memorial School is to promote academic excellence in a nurturing environment where independence and a sense of responsibility are developed. Focusing on the whole child, teachers develop appropriate lessons that address the academic, social, and emotional needs of each child.

    Memorial School promotes academic excellence through the alignment of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards which meets the requirements of the New Jersey State Department of Education and North Haledon Board of Education. The curriculum consists of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Life Skills, Computers, Art, Music and Physical education.   We are fortunate to have the opportunity to provide all students Enrichment opportunities through our Enrichment class and Math Literacy Skills class.  Our new Makerspace program takes place through Enrichment class.  Makerspaces are an innovative learning opportunity where students can create new things, applying their imagination and knowledge in art, math, science, writing, music, technology, and engineering.   Goals focus on teaching children to think, communicate effectively, work well with others, be creative, and to use their knowledge to solve problems. Classroom experiences are designed to ensure that students develop the necessary skills and strategies to become lifelong learners.

    Our school is committed to focusing on the needs of the whole child. We continue to implement programs focused on overall wellness, mental health, life skills and character education.  Many of our classrooms implement flexible seating opportunities to offer students an exceptional learning experience. Additionally, we are proud to offer students access to our sensory path, to reach the varied needs of all our children in the school.

    Technology is integrated in our curriculum as we continue to develop 21st century learners. We strive to provide educational experiences to develop well-rounded students who are prepared for the next step of their educational journey in middle school, high school and beyond.  Memorial School is extremely fortunate to provide a device to every student.  Each student will receive a Chromebook that allows opportunities to access the Internet, Google Apps, SeeSaw, digital course materials and various resources that enhance learning. This is in addition to students attending technology class weekly in our computer lab which houses 30 computers.  Additionally, most classrooms have Smartboards to support instruction and learning.

    We are proud of our commitment toward reaching and positively influencing all students.  We offer a wide range of services for students. The Intervention and Referral Services Committee is composed of various staff members. This committee reviews requests from teachers or parents for assistance with students who are experiencing difficulty in the classroom.  We have a continuum of Special Education services.  Our Child Study Team provides diagnostic and consultative services to students who are identified in need of special education in order to succeed in their school program. The ESL (English as a Second Language) program serves the children in school who speak different languages. The Title 1 / Basic Skills Program provides support for students who need assistance in the areas of reading, writing, language, or mathematics.  We also offer a Gifted and Talented Program as well as a school-wide enrichment program providing enhanced learning opportunities to all students.

    Memorial School students enjoy being taught by specialists in the areas of Technology, Music, Art, Enrichment, Math/Literacy Skills, Spanish and Physical Education.  Memorial School is focused on developing the whole child and provides a Character Education Program taught by our School Counselor. Students also learn various character traits through Life Skills and school-wide character programs such as Caught Doing The Right Thing.  The Life Skills program infuses character education as well as programs such BABES, which is sponsored by the North Haledon Municipal Alliance.

    Memorial School is fortunate to be part of a larger community that takes pride in their school and town.  Parents are an integral part of the school community and are invited and encouraged to become actively involved in Memorial School and their child’s education.  There are opportunities to volunteer, join our parent and community groups and attend and support school events.  Our Parent Teacher Organization and Education Foundation continue to provide our district with many additional services that directly impact our students.

    Memorial School students take part in various events throughout the school year that expand beyond the typical school day.  Students have the opportunity to participate and become involved with visiting authors, illustrators, and scientists through assembly programs. Students also learn the importance of assisting others through food drives and holiday gift service projects.

    Memorial School is committed to continued professional improvement and individual growth.  Faculty and staff participate in numerous professional development opportunities throughout the school year that focus on best practices to improve student learning.

    A before and after school child care program is offered by Jen's Junction and operated on a tuition basis. This program ensures the safe and efficient supervision of children for parents needing this service.

    Memorial School offers classroom experiences where students thrive in an atmosphere that is student-centered and focused on each child reaching their potential.  Our students are nurtured and educated by teachers, parents, administrators, and community members who value education, support and believe in the North Haledon School District.

    Melissa Tait
